Generally for items made out of cork other than cork stoppers, agglomerated cork is used as it is by far the least expensive option. However, whilst natural cork stoppers can be made out of one piece of cork, to make larger items from natural cork, we need to take strips of natural cork and glue them together to create what we call bonded natural cork.
When we make natural bonded cork we make blocks that are typically around 80x40cm in varying thicknesses and then from these blocks we can machine them to make whatever product we wish to produce. It means we can make strikingly beautiful pieces bringing out the natural organic beauty of cork, whilst maintaining the soft, pliable texture of natural cork. The key issue with it though is that it is 3 to 4 times more expensive than agglomerated cork.


We have recently been working on producing some small boxes out of natural cork, made using CNC to give a very precise finish. You can see here in the images that we have the lighter natural cork finish or the darker burnt cork finish (which is cooked in an oven to darken it). If you have a product that you would like to have made out of natural cork, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.